
What is included in a Berlin Buzzwords Ticket?

All tickets* are valid for the full four days and include free WLAN access, food, snacks and drinks throughout the 2 conference days on Monday and Thursday. You can also join the barcamp on Sunday and the numerous meetups and hackathons taking place all over Berlin hosted by Berlin Buzzwords and local companies. 


*"Sunday Barcamp and Meetups only" doesn't include free food and drinks


I’m bringing my child to Berlin Buzzwords. Does he/she need a ticket, too?

In 2015 we'll offer a special ticket category for children, to give parents the opportunity to attend Berlin Buzzwords. We will also provide conference child care so every attendee can take a deep-dive into their favorite topics. The conference child care is included in your child's ticket but needs to be reserved in advance because of limited availability.


I want to purchase a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket but I’m still not sure if I’ll actually be able to make it to Berlin Buzzwords. Can I return the ticket?

You can resell your ticket and there are usually plenty of thankful takers to be found. You can also carry out a cancellation (But: the cancellation fees have to be paid by the attendees themselves).


I want to take part in the Call for Submissions but will also buy a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket, just in case. Will I get the ticket costs reimbursed if my submission is accepted?

You can resell your ticket and there are usually plenty of thankful takers to be found. You can also carry out a cancellation (But: the cancellation fees have to be paid by the attendees themselves).


I want to take part in the Call for Submissions but will also buy a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket, just in case. How sure is it that my submission will be taken up into the final program?

Last year we received more than 130 submissions and unfortunately had to reject quite a few (We also accepted many so don’t let that scare you off!). If your submission won't be accepted we will send you a 20% discount code for your ticket.



Corporate-Design: Extragestaltung, Margarethe Hausstätter
Ilustration: cyan, Berlin

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