I've already bought a Berlin Buzzwords ticket. Do I have to register for the barcamp?
What is included in a Berlin Buzzwords Ticket?
How many people do I need to get a group ticket?
I’m bringing my child to Berlin Buzzwords. Does he/she need a ticket, too?
I want to purchase a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket but I’m still not sure if I’ll actually be able to make it to Berlin Buzzwords. Can I return the ticket?
I want to take part in the Call for Submissions but will also buy a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket, just in case. Will I get the ticket costs reimbursed if my submission is accepted?
I want to take part in the Call for Submissions but will also buy a Trust us- or an Earlybird-Ticket, just in case. How sure is it that my submission will be taken up into the final program?
I’ll be taking part in the Call for Submissions. Do I have to buy a ticket if my submission will be accepted?
I purchased a student ticket but will be finishing my studies in March. Can I still use the ticket?
Corporate-Design: Extragestaltung, Margarethe Hausstätter
Ilustration: cyan, Berlin