Call for Submissions – Be part of #bbuzz 2015

We can't wait to read your proposals. Submit your session on innovative technologies for storing, analysing and searching today's massive amounts of digital data.

We listed all necessary information below. If you have further questions, take a look at our FAQs.

What do you get?

It's a geek to geek conference, but if we choose your session, you get to be the expert and answer questions from the audience. Besides entering the stage at #bbuzz, you get a free ticket for the conference, barcamp and the hackathons.

What topics are we looking for?

Berlin Buzzwords is looking for talks on:

  • IR / Search – Lucene, Solr, Elasticsearch...
  • NoSQL – like Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, Hbase...
  • Large Data Processing – Hadoop itself, MapReduce, Cascading, Pig

Your Deadline

Berlin Buzzwords Call for Submissions ends on February 1st, 2015.

Hints For Successful Submissions

From our co-founder Isabel Drost:

  • Tell us what you are talking about. Provide some information on which direction you'll be heading
  • Don't be too detailed. Make sure the abstract correctly summarizes your talk, making it catchy and nice to read helps if the content is solid
  • We try to find those speakers that have not only an interesting topic to talk about but are also a pleasure to listen to, who can successfully get their point across. It helps us if you list which conferences you've spoken at in the past, any videos of previous talks as well
  • General piece of advice: If that's your first talk, get some practice at local meetups
  • Make sure your talk is novel
  • Finally: When drafting your bio make sure to include details that explain why you are the perfect expert to talk about the topic at hand


Please register here.

You've already registered for Berlin Buzzwords 2014? You only need to update your account. Log in with your details. On the main page you see the note “Berlin Buzzwords 2015: subscribe to event.” Click on it and join the group.

Are you in?

If your session gets accepted, we will inform you.

Good luck!

Corporate-Design: Extragestaltung, Margarethe Hausstätter
Ilustration: cyan, Berlin