Closing Party and free side events

You listened to great speakers, learned about the latest developements in large scale computing and met quite a few people. Apart from the sessions, there is enough space and time for you to exchange ideas and experiences and meet new people!

Join our combined Berlin Buzzwords Closing Party and droidcon Berlin Opening on Tuesday June 2 at 6:30pm and meet interesting people not only from the field of Big Data, but also from Android Development. Grab some food or enjoy a free beer sponsored by the droidcon Berlin startup partner Badoo!

Our event partner Fingerfood also provides some great food for a little fee:

  • Thuringian rostbratwurst with country-style, french bread for 2,00 €
  • Lentil stew with cocnut, spring leek with coriander for 4,00 €
  • Tabouleh salad with cucumber, tomato and mint yoghurt optionally with falafel or spicy kofta for 4,50 €

There are also some events – sponsored by our partner – we would like to invite you to:

GameDuell TechTalk with Boaz Leskes

Elastic invites everybody to join the GameDuell TechTalk with their lead developer, Boaz Leskes on Wednesday, June 3. Boaz will cover the recent highlights and future plans of the company's resiliency strategy. He will explain all aspects of Elasticsearch, ranging from the lowest level of a single file, through network connection of a single node, and all the way up to distributed failures on the cluster level. Participants will get an interesting peek under the hood and learn about the inner workings of Elasticsearch. The GameDuell TechTalk will be wrapped up by a Q & A round, where two more Elasticsearch engineers, Adrien Grand and Ryan Ernst, will step in to answer questions ranging from architecture to practical use cases. Registration starts at 02:30 pm. Register for GameDuell TechTalk and find more information here.

GameDuell Event Lounge
Taubenstr. 24 - 25
10117 Berlin

Apache Flink Workshop

This full-day hands-on workshop on Apache Flink by data Artisans takes place on Wednesday, June 3. The workshop includes introductory tutorials and exercises for developers to get familiar with Apache Flink, and build Big Data applications using the platform. The workshop will start at 09:00 am sharp, the training finishes at 06 pm. We'll be going for a drink afterwards at Oscar Wilde. Register for Apache Flink Workshop here.

Google Office Berlin
Unter den Linden 14
10117 Berlin

Photo: cc-by-sa 3.0 Gregor Fischer

Corporate-Design: Extragestaltung, Margarethe Hausstätter
Ilustration: cyan, Berlin